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Kangaroo Mommy Oral Care Set (Blueberry)

Kangaroo Mommy Oral Care Set (Blueberry)

Item details
Weight: 100 grams
Stock: Stock available

Brand: Kangaroo Mommy
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Note: The products in Dozami Store are only supplied for the domestic market in Malaysia.

  • Brand: Kangaroo Mommy
  • Product category: Oral care
  • Quantity: 1 set (3 products: Toothbrush, toothpaste & mouthwash)
  • Suitable: all
  • Specification: Standard
  • Product Features:
    ✅It was designed especially for pregnant and nursing mothers.
    Completely Free From Fluoride.
    No harmful ingredients. It is also safe for children.
    ✅It helps to protect against cavities and gum inflammation.
    To maintain healthy gums and preventing plaque.

  • Ship from overseas to Malaysia.
  • All of our products are 100% authentic.